Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Get nose to nose with a shark without the worry of an attack

Haleiwa, O'ahu, Hawaii- Have you ever wanted to swim with wild sharks? How about if you could swim with wild sharks without any worry of being attacked or even touching one?
In Haleiwa, Hawaii, there is a company called Hawaii Shark Encounters Inc. This small company of about 5 guys take tourists out on boats about a mile off shore to swim with sharks in a shark cage. The cage is hooked on to the back of the boat and when the destination is reached, they drop it in. But before you reach the destination, make sure to keep your eyes open just in case you are fortunate enough to see dolphins flipping out of the water, doing barrel rolls in the air. After the possibility and excitement of the dolphins, they then begin to teach a little lesson about the sharks including things not to do, one of them being sticking limbs out of the cage. They also show how to attract the sharks in what any fan of Shark Week knows, chumming. They have a bucket full of fish and the fishes blood. They then begin to soil the water with the chum and before you know it, you'll see a shark. After the initial excitement of seeing the first shark, others then begin to arrive almost immediately. Next thing you know, the water is full of 8-10 foot sharks circling about on all sides of the boat. It is nerve racking for anybody deathly afraid of sharks as was a lady on board with us. The lessons have now been taught with safety instructions and now it's time to enter the water.
Said a fellow that goes by the name of Chanceram, "This is truly an experience like no other! And it's not expensive! To see the spectacular cobalt blue color of the water 3 miles out -- it seemed as if I was watching a movie that enhanced the colors to give it an unreal effect. And when you see the sharks swimming towards the boat and swarming, it starts to get even more exciting."
Swimming with the sharks has easily been one of the most exciting tourist experiences I have done in my life. The people running the company do a great job of interacting with the guests and provide the necessary information for safety and for and enjoyable time. They are well versed with the sharks and have plenty of personal experience with not only the sharks but also with boats and the ocean. They handled receiving payment properly and marketed a personalized video of the experience. It was really a remarkable experience.

1. Chanceram. (2008, May 23). Hawaii Shark Encounters: Traveler Reviews.

2. Hawaii Shark Encounters. (2009). Shark Diving. Retreived from Hawaii Shark Encounters website: http://www.hawaiisharkencounters.com/.


Jamie Barnas said...

Wild Sharks! That sounds very exciting. I like your description of the company you reviewed and I would love to participate in something like this. Your excitement is portrayed through this review.

Amanda Allard said...

I haven't ever heard of a company like this but I'm certainly intrigued! I like that it's a smaller company since a lot of these tourist companies are so big and overwhelming and you get lost in the crowd when you go out with them. It's nice to see they take their time and focus on individuals.

Samantha said...

Oh my goodness!! I am a huge fan of shark week and one of my goals is to swim with sharks! I really enjoyed your review it was awesome. I am going to look it up right after this. Well done. it is good to know that this company handled all the transactions professionally because too often are these types of things scams trying to pull a fast one on tourists. Great Job.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! When I was in Fiji they offered a shark swim but it was too expensive, so I didn't go! Sounds like an unforgettable experience is to be had in Hawaii, though! I'll check it out next time I go! Awesome blog, Joseph!

~Carolyn Canty