Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Random April 1, 09

I haven't written on here in a while and thought that I should do it more often. I love where I work and meet such interesting people from so many different places. I work at the Royal Palms Resort and Spa as an intern right now and shortly will work there as a full-time employee. I feel very fortunate to have that opportunity seeing that the economy is very bad right now. Anyways, I don't have a ton of things to say right now because I'm pretty beat from the day and want to go to bed.


Maria Blanco Designs said...
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Maxx said...

Joe, you blog is breath-taking. See you in class in two weeks.


Jessica said...

Hi Joe! How is working at the Royal Palms going?? What are you doing there right now as an intern?? Glad to have another class with you! See you in 2 weeks!

Emiliya Gesheva said...

Hi Joe,
I like the postings on your blog. Have you taken PRM 380?? If you haven't yet I think you'll enjoy it much.
See you in class.